Friday, 23 January 2009

Deja Vu

Flashbacks and more flashbacks. If I close my eyes all I can see is moonlight eyes as her life faded to the next world. Now I am supposed to keep smiling and go through that hell again and I don't think I can. I just want to end everything and stop the constant drain on my emotional core? When will someone hold me together and help me stay sane? When will there be time for me to die? I have had a fucking enough fate whoever you may be go to hell and leave me alone. I don't want love. I don't even care if I am condemned to hell but I just want peace of mind. I know you won't hear me or give a shit like everyone else you just keep on piling the crap on me... well I am broken, finished I have nothing left worth caring about. Frankly I don't care anymore, why should I when there is no one I can say just hold me to, no questions. You stole her away first you bastards. The one person who I could confide in, and now you just keep piling it on knowing I have no emotional release and never will have. I have nothing left to give anyone and if anyone gives a fuck would they please just fuck off and die. I don't want the bloody hassle of emotional committment.

© Jem Farmer 2009, all rights reserved.

1 comment:

Gwil W said...

Reminds me of a quotable quote you can use at your next cocktail party:
When someone tells me they love me I feel as if they are pointing a pistol at my head (or something pretty much like that - Kurt Vonnegut)